Saskatchewan Valley, Canada

I have visited the Canadian prairie province of Saskatchewan once. Back in 2012, I attended a conference in Waldheim, Saskatchewan at a retreat centre adjacent to the North Saskatchewan River.

Waldheim is a small town of 1,035 residents, located about 50 kilometres north of the city of Saskatoon. First settled in the 1890s by the Heppners of Manitoba and the Neufelds of South Dakota, Waldheim gradually grew into a significant settlement for Mennonite homesteaders.

During World War I, when the American government revoked conscientious objector status, the region attracted an influx of Mennonite men seeking to escape conscription. An additional wave of immigrants later came from Russia during the Revolution which had brought severe hardship and persecution to the Mennonites of that country. Thriving Mennonite farming communities were quickly established within Waldheim and surrounding parts of the Saskatchewan Valley.

Original post 18/09/2020 | Updated 20/11/2020

7 responses to “Saskatchewan Valley, Canada”

    1. Thanks for the idea for “Foto Friday” 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  1. thats ok! I stole it from someone else… without even realising!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just updated this post to add a couple extra photos I dug up. Thanks for checking it out!


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